Understanding the Difference Between Tech Debt and Tech Choice: A Guide to Better Technical Decisions

Volodymyr Pavlyshyn
4 min readSep 23, 2024


As software engineers, developers, and architects, we’ve all heard of “technical debt.” It’s often used to describe the corners we cut to deliver a product quickly, but it also has a negative connotation. But in reality, not every issue we face in our code results from technical debt. The challenges we encounter often come from technical choices made at specific moments in time. Understanding the difference between the two is crucial for making better technical decisions and managing long-term project success.

What Is Technical Debt?

Let’s start with technical debt — a term most of us are familiar with. Technical debt arises when we intentionally make short-term compromises for speed, knowing we’ll have to “pay it back” later by fixing those issues. For example, you might rush a feature because of a tight deadline, knowing that it’s not optimized, but with a plan to revisit and improve it once the product is delivered.

This kind of debt usually happens when we don’t have enough time, resources, or knowledge at a given moment, and we “cut corners” to get things done. It’s not necessarily bad — sometimes it’s unavoidable, especially in startups where getting to market quickly is critical. The key to managing technical debt is documenting it properly. Every time we make a compromise, it should be noted in a decision log or issue tracker, explaining where and why the shortcut was made and how it should be fixed in the future.

What Are Technical Choices?

On the other hand, technical choices are the decisions we make during the design or implementation phase, based on the information we have at that moment. These choices aren’t necessarily shortcuts or compromises. Instead, they are thoughtful decisions made to achieve a balance between several factors — such as complexity, resources, performance, and scalability. Every technical choice involves a set of trade-offs.

For example, when designing a new feature, multiple solutions might be available. A team might choose one option over the others based on its perceived efficiency at that moment, but down the road, as requirements or conditions change, that choice might create some challenges. These challenges, however, aren’t necessarily technical debt—they are simply the consequences of past technical choices based on the context at that time.

Why the Distinction Matters

Confusing technical debt with technical choices can lead to poor management of your codebase. If every issue is labeled as technical debt, it can create unnecessary pressure to “fix” things that aren’t broken. The reality is that every project evolves, and as requirements change, decisions that were once good might no longer be the best fit. That doesn’t mean the original decision was wrong or that it should be considered debt.

Understanding this distinction allows teams to better manage their technical landscape. When technical debt does exist, it should be treated as something that needs to be addressed — similar to paying back financial debt. In contrast, when a technical choice results in an unintended consequence, the team needs to reassess the decision based on the new information and possibly make a different trade-off moving forward.

Building Awareness in Technical Decisions

One of the most important practices for managing both technical debt and technical choices is awareness. Teams should strive to maintain continuous awareness of the decisions they make. One way to do this is through a **technical decision log**. This log doesn’t just document the final decisions, but also captures the available options, the trade-offs considered, and the reasoning behind the choices made. It’s a vital tool for long-term success in software development.

Having a technical decision log also helps teams manage institutional memory. As team members leave or new members join, this documentation provides a clear record of why certain decisions were made. It helps prevent the “Why did we do it this way?” confusion that often arises when there’s a lack of continuity in the team.

Adapting to a Changing Environment

As we know, the software world is fast-moving. What works today may not be optimal tomorrow. Especially in startups, the focus is often on delivering a product quickly to find a product-market fit, and technical perfection might not be the top priority. That’s okay — as long as everyone on the team is aware of the decisions being made and the trade-offs involved.

Teams need to adapt as circumstances change, and revisiting past technical decisions should be part of the process. Sometimes, a trade-off that seemed like the best option at the time becomes a limiting factor as the product evolves. When this happens, the team can go back to the decision log, reassess the choices, and make the necessary adjustments based on the new environment.

Conclusion: A Balanced Approach to Technical Debt and Choices

The key takeaway is that not every consequence of a technical decision is technical debt. While technical debt represents intentional shortcuts that need to be fixed, technical choices reflect the best options available at a given moment, considering the trade-offs. By maintaining awareness of these decisions and managing them properly through tools like decision logs, teams can make better technical choices in the future, avoid unnecessary fixes, and manage their codebase more effectively.

In the end, the goal is to find a balance between delivering quickly and building a system that can evolve over time without being burdened by unmanageable technical debt.



Volodymyr Pavlyshyn

I believe in SSI, web5 web3 and democratized open data.I make all magic happens! dream & make ideas real, read poetry, write code, cook, do mate, and love.