Tiddlywiki with TiddlyMap: As a personal Knowledge Graph tool

Volodymyr Pavlyshyn
2 min readSep 24, 2023


TiddlyWiki is a non-linear, personal web notebook that anyone can use for capturing, organizing, and sharing complex information. It’s a single HTML file containing JavaScript, CSS, and the content. This makes it incredibly portable and easy to use, aligning well with modern data privacy and control needs.

TiddlyWiki is a unique representative of self-hosting and self-extending apps. So it is an HTML file that writes new information to itself. It allows you to create a portable Wikipedia or now full-scale Personal Knowledge Graphs in a visual form.

Why TiddlyWiki?

  • Portability: A single HTML file, it can be easily moved, backed up, and shared.
  • Customizability: With its rich set of plugins and themes, you can tailor it to your needs.
  • Privacy: Your data stays on your device unless you decide to share it, making it a good fit for those concerned about data privacy.
  • Open Source: Given that it’s open-source, it aligns well with the ethos of self-sovereign identity (SSI), a concept you’re keen on.

Core Features

Tiddlers: The basic unit of information in TiddlyWiki. They can contain text, images, or even code. Tags: Allows for easy categorization and retrieval of tiddlers. Filters: Advanced search and sorting capabilities. Widgets and Macros: Extend functionality and automate repetitive tasks.

What is TiddlyMap?

TiddlyMap is a plugin for TiddlyWiki that allows you to create, edit, and view graphs based on your tiddlers. It provides a graphical interface to visualize the relationships between your notes, making it easier to see connections and discover new insights.

Why Add TiddlyMap to TiddlyWiki?

Visual Learning: For those who are visual learners,

TiddlyMap provides an intuitive way to understand complex information. Complex Relationships: It allows you to map out intricate relationships between tiddlers, particularly useful for projects requiring a deep understanding of interconnected elements.

Data Analysis: The graph view can serve as a tool for data analysis, helping you identify patterns or anomalies in your information.

How Does It Work?

Installation: TiddlyMap can be easily installed as a plugin from within TiddlyWiki.

Creating Graphs: Once installed, you can create graphs by tagging tiddlers and defining relationships between them.

Navigation: The graph view allows you to navigate between tiddlers by clicking on the nodes, making it a dynamic way to explore your content.



Volodymyr Pavlyshyn

I believe in SSI, web5 web3 and democratized open data.I make all magic happens! dream & make ideas real, read poetry, write code, cook, do mate, and love.